The Monda Acceptable Use Policy outlines what Providers can and cannot publish of their Listings on other Channels. As a Provider on our platform, you are fully responsible for following these policies, and all applicable laws. If you fail to comply with any policy, Monda can take action as per our Terms of Service. This may include removing your Profile and/or your Listings from the platform temporarily or permanently. We may update these policies periodically.
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1) Provider Policies
1.1) General Profile Policies
To publish your Profile on other Channels, it may not contain prohibited content and must include all required information.
Your Profile may not:
- Contain any Personal Data (see 4.1).
- Provide access to or contain viruses, malware, inappropriate, harmful, or offensive content.
- Contain, endorse, or promote illegal content.
- Violate any third-party intellectual property rights.
- Encourage or imply any illegal, threatening, or violent behavior.
- Advertise to Users to use the Data for any Forbidden Use Cases (see 1.1.3).
- Use logos, descriptions, titles, or other elements that could mislead Users about your organization’s relationship to another entity.
Your Profile must contain:
- Company name: The name of your company.
- Slogan: A summary of your company
- Short company description: A brief description of your company.
- Long company description: A more detailed description of your company.
- Company logo: A clear and high-quality logo.
- Cover image: An image advertising your company.
- Company headquarters: The country where your company is headquartered.
- Data offering: A description of your Data offering, including the categories it covers, its historical coverage, and its geographic coverage.
- Data sources & collection: An explanation of how you source and collect the Data (see 4.1) in a compliant and legal manner.
- Key differentiators: A description of what differentiates your Data offering from alternative Providers.
- Use cases: A description of intended use cases and forbidden use cases (see 1.1.3).
- Certifications & associations: Current certifications proving adherence to legal and industry quality, security, and privacy standards, which are verified by our data protection team before being published.
- Privacy policy URL: A link to your company’s privacy policy.
- Data privacy: A detailed explanation of how you comply with relevant data protection regulations (see 1.1.2).
1.1.2) Data Privacy
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Personal Data unless it complies with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.
Your Profile must contain:
- A link to your privacy policy.
- Additional link(s) to certifications and documentation confirming compliance with local data privacy regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and similar.
- Confirmation that you collect Data with valid consent in compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.
- Your legal basis for monetizing and distributing the Data described in your Listings.
1.1.3) Use Cases
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that are intended for Forbidden Use Cases. Listings for such Products will be removed from Monda.
Your Profile may not:
- Advertise to Users any Forbidden Use Cases as outlined below. Forbidden Use Cases include:
- Non-consensual re-identification of individuals: Using Pseudonymized Data to identify specific individuals without their explicit consent (see 4.1).
- Discriminatory practices: Using Data to discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics, or for any application that leads to unfair treatment of individuals.
- Surveillance: Unauthorized monitoring or tracking of individuals via surveillance activities (see 4.1.3).
- Military operations: Use in warfare or combat scenarios, such as developing weapons or military tactics.
- Re-sale: Reselling the Data as a standalone Product to third parties.
- Fraud: Any application of Data to commit fraud.
- Illegal use cases: Any application of Data that violates local, national, or international laws.
- Sanctioned countries: Selling Data to countries under international sanctions.
- Platform violations: Any application of Data that violates our Terms of Service.
Your Profile must contain:
- A description that clearly outlines Intended and Forbidden Use Cases.
- Any additional Forbidden Use Cases according to your company policy not included in the list above.
- Additionally, your Data Terms of Use shared with Users must clearly outline these Intended and Forbidden Use Cases. Examples of Intended Use Cases include:
- Marketing and Advertising: Audience segmentation, targeted advertising campaigns, marketing analytics.
- Financial Services: Credit risk assessment, fraud detection and prevention, investment analysis.
- Healthcare: Medical research, healthcare operations optimization.
- Retail and E-commerce: Customer behavior analysis, inventory management, pricing, strategy development.
- Real Estate: Property valuation, market analysis, investment decision-making.
- Utilities: Energy consumption analysis, demand forecasting, infrastructure planning.
- Public Sector: Policy development, urban planning, environmental monitoring.
2) Listing Policies
To publish a Listing for Products on Channels, it may not contain prohibited content and must include all required information.
Your Listings may not:
- Contain any Personal Data (see 4.1).
- Provide access to or contain viruses, malware, inappropriate, harmful, or offensive content.
- Contain, endorse, or promote illegal content.
- Violate any third-party intellectual property rights.
- Encourage or imply any illegal, threatening, or violent behavior.
- Advertise to Users to use the Data for any Forbidden Use Cases (see 1.1.3).
- Promote anything other than the Product described in the Listing.
- Falsely advertise the availability of Data attributes that are not available in your Products.
- Be manipulated to give a misleading representation of the actual Data quality.
- Use techniques, such as keyword stuffing, to manipulate the listing’s ranking on Channels.
Your Listings must contain:
- Listing type: Format of the Data.
- Listing title: A descriptive title of the Product described by your Listing.
- Short description: A brief description of the Data offered.
- In-depth description: A detailed description of the Data offered.
- Data categories: The relevant categories your Listing covers.
- Optimal company sizes: Suitable company sizes for the Product.
- Use cases: Potential Use Cases for the Product.
- Geographic coverage: Countries which the Data in your Product covers.
- Temporal coverage: Recency and historical lookback.
- Data volume: Volume of Data available in your Product.
- Data quality: Degree of accuracy, precision, and completion your Product offers.
- Data attributes: Attributes that your Product includes. You must not add any Personal Data here (see 4.1).
- Delivery methods: How the Data can be delivered and in which formats.
- Frequency of updates: How often the Data is updated.
- Source: Source of the Data.
- Pricing: The pricing models that you do and do not support for the Product. If you do not want to disclose exact numbers, Users can contact you for a quote.
- Terms of use: A link to your Terms of Use for this Product, detailing the license grant, pertinent terms and conditions, and any applicable restrictions.
3) Data Sample Preview Policies
To publish a Data Sample Preview on Channels, it may not contain any prohibited content and must meet our quality and privacy standards.
Your Data Sample Preview may not:
- Contain any Personal Data (see 4.1).
- Provide access to or contain viruses, malware, inappropriate, harmful, or offensive content.
- Violate any third-party intellectual property rights.
- Contain Data attributes that are not available in your Products.
- Be manipulated to give a misleading representation of the actual Data quality.
- Contain de-identified or Pseudonymized Data that could lead to the re-identification of individuals (see 1.1.3 and 4.1.4).
- Contain any proprietary or Confidential Data/Classified Data without appropriate permissions (see 4.2).
- Contain any Data or other content that violates local, national, or international laws, or our Terms of Service.
Your Data Sample Preview must:
- Contain Data attributes consistent with the Product you are offering.
- Be representative of the actual Data quality and completeness.
- Be anonymized to protect any Personal Data. Additionally, Monda will automatically redact any columns that potentially contain Personal Data (see 4.1).
4) Product Policies
Listings will be removed from the platform if inadequate documentation is provided to prove compliance with the handling of Personal Data, Web data, etc.
4.1) Personal Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Personal Data unless you are legally authorized and have obtained valid consent to collect, process, and share this Data.
To publish Listings on Channels advertising Products containing Personal Data, you must:
- Be legally authorized to collect and share such Personal Data in accordance with local authority regulations. Examples of Personal Data include:
- A name and surname
- A home address
- An email address such as
- An identification card number
- Location Data (e.g. the Location Data function on a mobile phone)
- An Internet Protocol (IP) address
- A cookie ID
- The advertising identifier of your phone
- Data held by a hospital or doctor, which could be a symbol that uniquely identifies a person
- Additionally, as per our Terms of Service, you must have obtained valid consent from the individual to collect, process, and share their Data.
- Ensure that all Products comply with our policies, legal regulations, and guidelines.
- Provide detailed documentation on how the Personal Data is collected and used.
- Clearly disclose the presence of Personal Data in your Product description.
4.1.2) Sensitive Personal Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Sensitive Personal Data unless you ensure the Data is aggregated, de-identified or anonymized so that no individuals can be identified or re-identified.
Products you advertise on Channels may not:
- Contain Sensitive Personal Data such as:
- Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs.
- Trade-union membership.
- Genetic Data, Biometric Data processed solely to identify a human being.
- Health-related Data.
- Data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
- Personal payment or financial information.
- Identification information.
- Account and authentication information.
- Credit information.
- Legal and immigration information.
- Communication Data, such as text messages and/or emails.
- Any Data pertaining to minors (individuals under the age of 18).
- Precise geolocation data capable of identifying a natural person or group of natural persons within a radius of 1,750 ft.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels must:
- Ensure that Data is aggregated or anonymized so that no individuals can be identified using the Data.
- Provide detailed documentation on the sources and methods used to collect Sensitive Personal Data.
- Ensure that all Products comply with our policies, legal regulations, and guidelines.
4.1.3) Sensitive Location Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Sensitive Location Data. Products you advertise in Listings on Channels may not:
- Contain information that can be used to trace or associate a device or an identifiable person with Sensitive Location Data. Sensitive Locations include:
- Healthcare facilities (e.g., those offering cancer treatment, HIV/AIDS treatment, fertility or abortion clinics, and mental health facilities).
- Places of religious worship.
- Dependency or addiction treatment centers.
- Domestic abuse or rape crisis centers.
- Locations that might reveal LGBTQ+ identification or other sexual orientation.
- Military bases.
- Temporary gathering places such as political rallies, marches, or protests.
- Locations primarily occupied by children under 16.
- Sites that might imply engagement with explicit sexual content or acts.
- Refugee or immigration centers and services.
- Welfare or homeless shelters.
- Halfway houses, credit repair, debt services, bankruptcy services, or payday lending institutions.
4.1.4) Pseudonymized Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Pseudonymized Data unless you are legally authorized and have obtained valid consent to collect, process, and share this Data.
Products you advertise on Channels may not:
- Use weak pseudonymization methods that can easily be reversed.
- Attempt to re-identify individuals from Pseudonymized Data.
- Mislead Users about the nature, origin, or quality of the Data.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels must:
- Be created using Data collected and shared in accordance with local authority regulations.
- Be created using Data collected and shared with the valid consent from the individual to collect, process, and share their Data as per our Terms of Service (see 4.1)
- Ensure that pseudonyms or identifiers are kept separately from the Data and protected by strong security measures.
- Maintain updated documentation on the pseudonymization techniques used.
- Implement measures to prevent re-identification of individuals.
- Clearly disclose the pseudonymization in your Listing and Product description, and explain the measures taken to protect Personal Data.
4.1.5) Anonymized Data
If your Products contain Anonymized Data:
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels may not:
- Use weak anonymization techniques that can be easily reversed.
- Attempt to re-identify individuals from Anonymized Data.
- Mislead Users about the nature, origin, or quality of the Data.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels must:
- Be created using Data collected and shared in accordance with local authority regulations.
- Be created using Data collected and shared with the valid consent from the individual to collect, process, and share their Data as per our Terms of Service (see 4.1)
- Ensure that the anonymization process is irreversible and individuals cannot be re-identified.
- Structure the Data in such a way that it remains anonymous even when combined with other Data.
- Maintain updated documentation on the anonymization techniques used.
- Clearly disclose in your Product description that the Data is anonymized or aggregated.
4.2) Confidential and Classified Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Confidential and Classified Data.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels may not:
- Contain Confidential and Classified Data. Confidential and Classified Data include:
- Classified information about national security
- Classified intellectual property
- Classified business internal data
- Classified strategic business plans
- Classified client or customer lists
- Classified employee records
- Classified supplier and vendor information
- Classified research and development data
- Classified legal documents
- Classified partnership agreements and contracts
4.3) Web Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Web Data unless it is sourced from publicly available sources.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels may not:
- Contain Data collected by infringing the terms of service of the website.
- Contain Data that is collected behind a user login.
- Contain Data that is protected by Intellectual Property (IP) rights not owned by you.
- Mislead Users about the nature, origin, or quality of the Data.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels must:
- Be created using Data collected and shared in accordance with local authority regulations.
- Be created using Data collected and shared with the valid consent from the individual to collect, process, and share their Data as per our Terms of Service (see 4.1)
- Comply with all relevant intellectual property laws and ensure you have the right to use and distribute the Data.
- Collect Data only from web pages that are publicly accessible without requiring a user login.
- Clearly disclose the sources of the Web Data in your Listing.
4.4) Synthetic Data
You cannot publish Listings advertising Products on Channels that contain Synthetic Data unless you are legally authorized and have clearly disclosed its use in the title and description of your Product.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels may not:
- Hide the use of Synthetic Data by not disclosing it in the title and description of your Product.
- Include Synthetic Data without clearly labeling it as such in your Product descriptions.
- Mislead Users about the nature, origin, or quality of the Data.
Products you advertise in Listings on Channels must:
- Be created using Data collected and shared in accordance with local authority regulations.
- Clearly disclose the use of Synthetic Data in the title and description of your Product.
- Maintain updated documentation on the synthetic data generation techniques used.
- Provide detailed information on how the Synthetic Data was generated, including the methods and algorithms used.
- Ensure that all Synthetic Data complies with our policies, legal regulations, and guidelines.
5) Glossary
- Channels: means a distribution channel that Customer may use to disseminate its Data Offering to Channel Users.
- Policy: A service usage rule defined by Channels in addition to the Terms of Service.
- User: An individual who uses Channels to find Providers and Listings.
- Content: Descriptive (meta-)information published by a Provider on Channels.
- Provider: An incorporated, active company that publishes Listings on Channels referring to Products offered by the company.
- Profile: Content published by a Provider on Channels describing the company, its practices, and the Products it offers.
- Listing: Content published by a Provider on Channels describing a Product offered by the Provider.
- Product: A well defined, commercial offering of a Provider relating to their Data. Products are described by Listings. Products themselves are not available via our platform. Providers must grant Users access to Products by sharing them securely outside of Channels.
- Data: The underlying Data of Products, which is hosted on the Provider’s premises and not made available to or shared on Channels by the Provider.
- Data Sample Preview: A subset of the Data shared by the Provider on Channels, designed to give Users insights into the Data attributes, format, and structure of the Data associated with a Product. A Data Sample Preview is presented in tabular format on Listings and is accessible only to Users logged into Channels.
- Personal Data: Information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute Personal Data. (Source: European Commission).
- Valid Consent: For consent to process Personal Data to be considered valid, the following conditions must be met:
- Consent must be Freely Given*.
- Consent must be Informed**.
- Consent must be given for a specific purpose.
- All reasons for the processing must be clearly stated.
- Consent is explicit and given via a positive act (e.g., an electronic tick-box that the individual must explicitly check online or a signature on a form).
- Consent uses clear and plain language and is clearly visible.
- It must be possible to withdraw consent, and that fact must be explained (e.g., an unsubscribe link at the end of an electronic newsletter email). (Source: European Commission).
- Freely Given Consent*: For consent to be freely given the individual must have a free choice and must be able to refuse or withdraw consent without being at a disadvantage. (Source: European Commission).
- Informed Consent**: For consent to be informed, the individual must receive at least the following information:
- The identity of the organization processing Data;
- The purposes for which the Data is being processed;
- The type of Data that will be processed;
- The possibility to withdraw the given consent (for example, an unsubscribe link at the end of an email);
- Where applicable the fact that the Data will be used for solely automated-based decision-making, including profiling;
- If the consent is related to an international transfer, the possible risks of Data transfers to third countries which are not subject of a Commission adequacy decision and where there are no appropriate safeguards.
- Remember: where someone consents to the processing of their Personal Data, you can only process the Data for the purposes for which consent was given. (Source: European Commission).
- Sensitive Personal Data: Personal Data that requires additional protection because its disclosure could harm an individual's privacy or safety.
- Sensitive Location Data: Location Data that requires additional protection because its disclosure could harm an individual's privacy or safety related to specific locations.
- Pseudonymized Data: Personal Data that has been processed to replace an individual's identifying information with artificial identifiers or pseudonyms.
- Anonymized Data: Personal Data that has been processed to remove an individual's identifying information entirely.
- Confidential Data/Classified Data: Data that is intended to remain private and not disclosed to individuals without proper authorization.
- Web Data: Data collected from websites, apps, and online platforms, which may include content such as text, images, multimedia, and metadata.
- Publicly Available Data: Data that can be accessed by anyone without restrictions, login credentials, or special permissions.
- Data Behind a Login: Data that is accessible only to users who have registered and logged into a website or platform.
- Synthetic Data: Data artificially produced that replicates the properties of actual Data.