Gulp Data
Gulp Data helps new data providers by consulting them on data valuation, lending, and monetization.
Dewey Data is a platform that makes a wide array of datasets accessible for academic research.
Dewey Data is a platform that makes data accessible for academic research. It offers researchers a unified platform to explore a wide array of datasets, including foot-traffic, spend, real estate, web traffic, corporate data, and more.
Specializing exclusively in the academic research market, Dewey Data ensures that researchers receive tailored terms, competitive pricing, and dedicated support while relieving data providers of the complexities of academic marketing.
Since its founding in 2022, Dewey Data has been committed to enriching the global knowledge base by facilitating widespread data access and recognizing the value of high- quality data sources.
Dewey Data is available globally. The platform is for academic researchers only. A university email is required to set up an account and access datasets.
Dewey Data’s platform enables users to preview and sample datasets, which means users can make sure that data is the right fit for their research ahead of purchase. Secondly, users have multiple download options, allowing users to choose how they want to access and refresh the data so that it is seamlessly connected with their existing tech stack. Dewey Data's real human support guarantees that users can lean on platform’s team of data experts to answer questions about the data.
There is no cost for data providers to get listed on Dewey Data. For many data providers, there is a revenue opportunity when partnering with Dewey. Those rev share agreements vary based on data usage.
To list your data on Dewey Data, book a meeting with Monda to learn about becoming a provider on our data monetization platform. To learn about partnering with Monda, get in touch.
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